TOURR Project
The TOURR project aims to evaluate the current and future needs for Research Reactors and neutron sources in Europe.
Based on a thorough evaluation, a strategy for maintaining and upgrading existing RRs and building new ones shall be proposed. The outcome shall be an important contribution for designing the European Research Area.
The main targets of the project are to assess the impact of the decreasing number of RRs, identify future needs (including new neutron sources), draw a roadmap for the upgrade of the existing RR fleet, and develop a model for harmonized resource utilization. Another aim of the project it is to evaluate the current and future need for neutron sources and for medical radioisotopes in Europe. The outcome shall be an important contribution for designing the European Research Area.
Data Base of European RR fleet
One of the targets of the TOURR project is to assess the impact of the decreasing numbers of Research Reactors (RR) in Europe and suggest an optimization strategy for the existing RR fleet.
The natural starting point for this analysis was to get a picture of the current situation.
A questionnaire survey has then been distributed among RR operators and based on the results of initial analysis, ENEN produced a data base of European research reactors.
Being this report public, and given the extreme sensitivity of the data shared with us by the involved RR, only general conclusions have been reported in this document.
Project Partners
- European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Belgium
- Centrum Vyzkumu Rez sro (CVR) Czechia
- Energiatudomanyi Kutatokozpont (EK) Hungary
- Narodowe Centrum Badan Jadrowych (NCBJ) Poland
- Studiecentrum Voor Kernenergie / Centre D'etude De L'energie Nucleaire (SCK CEN) Belgium
- Institut Jozef Stefan (JSI) Slovenia
- Evalion sro (EVALION) Czechia
- Universitaet Stuttgart (USTUTT) Germany
- Centro De Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales Y Tecnologicas-Ciemat (CIEMAT) Spain

October 2020 – September 2023
Coordinator’s contact
Gabriel Lazaro Pavel
European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN)
11 rue d’Egmont
1000-Bruxelles Belgium
Email: gabriel.pavel[at], secretariat[at]